Wednesday, October 11, 2006

As You Think, So Shall You Be.

I took this title from Dr Wayne Dyer. He believes that this is what everyone is going through, and I agree with him. So what makes us think? Is it the brain, or is it something else. Could it be our soul who is making all the thinking, and it manifested through the brain. Most people would say it is the brain. Then what does the soul do?

We, Catholic, believes that all human being have soul, but we cannot give soul a very definite physical description unlike a physical body where it can be weighted and measured. It is say that if you weight a person before and after he die, the weight does not change. So soul does not have weight. Modern science have also cut up almost every parts of human being, but the soul is no where to be seen in the body.

When we talk about soul, we may also mention spirit and ghost. What are all these? Modern definition will be it is a form of energy. So if this energy is in us, how come we seldom or never really know that it is there? Maybe because we are all physical being where we need to feel and see to believe. If soul is inside each of us, is it the soul doing the thinking or is it our physical brain which is doing the thinking, which is in charge? Most people will put our physical being in charge of how we think and how we live. The physical being is being bounded by the law of physic, so there is a lot of limitation when we live. The soul is energy; it is not bound by any physical law. It knows no limit accept those which the physical body tells it. Just like in the show matrix, there is no limit once they enter the matrix.

When we are performing something sacred, we will feel our physical being having a spiritual experience, but if the above mention makes senses, we are actually spiritual being having a physical experience, just that most of the time we feel the other way round. When we think with our physical brain, it will feed back to the soul that we are limited by many things around us. If we think with our soul, we will not be limited by any of the law in physical world, and these soulful thoughts will be manifest through our physical body.


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12:51 PM  

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