Friday, January 23, 2009

A Simple Faith

At the New Year countdown Mass, I heard the very last sermon of last year 2008 or the very first sermon with a very deep impression this year 2009.

Its about the simple faith of a mother who believe in God so much that even though she may not be able to read a word from the Bible or explain the profound words of the Bible. She is able to display faith that is beyond many so call "good" Christian that I know of.

I believe this is what Jesus meant when He said "If you have faith of a mustard seed you can move mountain."

Sometime people just think too much into how to reach God, when all you need to do is to quiet down our heart and Jesus is just right beside you.

If you look out side you will not find, if you look within, it will be there.
Eyes provide sight, Heart provide insight.

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