My Teenage Year.
After I leave Boys Brigde, my journey with God also come to a stand still. Between the age of 13 to 16, God was only a small part of my life. I don't go to church, but I still pray and I see myself as a Christian and most importantly I still pray every night, although its more like me talking to God then to God talking to me.

Although I quit BB after I go to secondary school, my brother continue to join in BB, and the age of 16 I started to mix around with the BB people again. This time God once again use these people to draw me to Him. I started to attend their cell group and become involved in church activities (Bethel Presbyterian Church). There was even time where I was a assistant cell group leader. Hehehe. Well, I think I have failed God on this job. Not long after, the group was dissolved and about that time I was going to my poly education. And things just straight down. I have no friend who is Christian in poly, and even those who are Christian were not as "on" as I was before, so for the next six years, I have never step into church.
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